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Doctor Name Dr. Annabelle Leong
Specializations Ear, Nose and Throat
Country Singapore
Location Singapore GMT +8
Price From
Languages Spoken English - Mandarin - French - Malay
Qualifications MBBS (Hons) (London) | BSc (Hons) (London) | MRCS (England) | DOHNS (England) | FRCS ORL-HNS (England)
Availability Monday – Friday


Dr Annabelle Leong has more than 17 years experience, having trained and worked in the UK, Canada and Singapore. She manages nasal, sinus and sleep disorders in both adults and children with subspecialty interests in hearing and dizziness/balance disorders, and ENT problems in children.


  • Nasal
  • Sinus
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Hearing
  • Dizziness/balance disorders
  • Paediatric ENT


Dr Annabelle Leong is an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon with over than 17 years of ENT experience. Dr Annabelle trained and worked in the United Kingdom, Canada and Singapore and manages all types of ENT conditions, including nasal, sinus and sleep disorders in both adults and children. She has subspecialty interests in hearing and dizziness/balance disorders, and ENT problems in children.

Education & Training

Dr Annabelle graduated at the top of her class from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ hospitals, London, in 2001, receiving MBBS with Distinction. She then went on to win multiple ENT prizes at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Dr Annabelle working for the National Health Service in the United Kingdom for 12 years and trained at the best ENT centres in London and Toronto, Canada.

She is the first and only Singaporean recipient of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) National Temporal Bone Prize for displaying the best surgical skill in ear dissection in the United Kingdom. She was awarded the prestigious TWJ ear fellowship in hearing, dizziness/balance and skull base disorders in Toronto, Canada.

Research & Teaching

Dr Leong is well-published in all fields of ENT with multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals. Currently a House tutor at Lee Kong Chian medical school, she also continues to provide a specialist Ear and Hearing service as Visiting Consultant at Khoo Teck Puat hospital. She is presently registered with both the General Medical Council in the United Kingdom and the Singapore Medical Council as a specialist in Otolaryngology.


  • MBBS (Hons) (London)
  • BSc (Hons) DOHNS
  • MRCS (England)
  • FRCS ORL-HNS (England)

Medical Licence Number
(Singapore Medical Council)